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The CRAN version can be loaded as follows:

or the development version from GitHub:


The Italian geographical aggregates nomenclature are the following:

Function argument Aggregates Level
“none” country level 0
“ripartizione” Italian divisions level 1
“regione” Italian regions level 2
“provincia” Italian municipalities level 3
“comune” Italian districts level 4

where level 0 is the largest unit (country), and level 4 the smallest unit.

The diagram show the hierarchy used in the IT() to build the object to map. Smaller aggregate/levels have all the information of the bigger aggregates. For example, if we have “comune”, we have also all the information until the first level, “ripartizione”.

it_level0 <- loadCoordIT(unit = "none")

it_level1 <- loadCoordIT(unit = "ripartizione")

it_level2 <- loadCoordIT(unit = "regione")

it_level3 <- loadCoordIT(unit = "provincia")

it_level4 <- loadCoordIT(unit = "comune")

Note that, given the government rule, the “provincia” and district may change over the year.